Carlisle Crop Demonstration Day

Cumbria - Tuesday 22nd June

Register Today!

We have limited places available for our trial site open days, so register early using the form at the bottom of the page to ensure you get a place!

Registration Form

Crop Demonstration Day

Winter wheat and winter barley variety trials

  • 31 winter wheat and 27 winter barley variety plots
  • Spring barley drilling techniques, nutrition and soil health
  • TerraMap – the next generation of soil scanning
  • Manure and fertiliser planning with Omnia precision agronomy
  • Machinery on show from Lloyd Ltd
  • Hog Roast Refreshment



Regular site tours from 12.00 noon – last tour 4.00pm
Refreshments available.

Please ensure that you book before the open day so that we can send you the details you’ll need to attend

Find updates on progress at the site so far

Our trial site managers and monitors have been reporting on progression at our trial sites, allowing insight into how the crops are developing and early insights into the trials with FieldWise Live!

Click Here to visit FieldWise Live


Registering your interest...

As there are limited spaces at our events this year, we are running separately timed slots for some of our events.

Provided places are available for the event(s) you have registered interest in, we will get in touch with you shortly via email to arrange your booking(s) and send you the details you’ll need to get to the event(s).

When an event becomes fully booked we will remove it from the website as quickly as possible, but if you register before we do so (while the event is full) we will do our best to make alternative arrangements so that you can still see the trials!

Register your Interest in our Event(s)

    Please select all the events you are interested in and would be able to attend.


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